Jul 7, 2010

What’s on YOUR campfire stick?

Recently I used the Survey Minkey tool to ask randomly selected SpoofFrog Croaks subscribers: What’s your favorite campfire food? Here’s what they said.

55% flaming, charred marshmallows
50% flaming, charred hot dogs
42% baked beans a la “Blazing Saddles”
30% raw carrot
24% mashed potatoes
1% eye of newt, muah-haaa-haaaa
Note: Due to careless rounding, responses do not equal 100%.

To increase your odds of getting randomly selected for future polls of SpoofFrog Croaks subscribers, try to be as random as you can. Also, sign up for SpoofFrog Croaks at http://www.carsonmania.com/ so I’ll know you exist.

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