Aug 2, 2010

Get Fat at the Fair

The Wisconsin State Fair begins this Thursday. Time to loosen your belt several notches!  
  • Arrive hungry. Everything tastes better then.
  • Avoid drinking water. Instead, have a beer. Heck, have a whole pitcher of beer, even if you’re drinking alone.
  • Caffeinated beverages tend to dehydrate you, so guzzle them to help rid your body of “water weight.”
  • Rent a motorized scooter to keep from wasting precious energy while waddling from one food booth to another.
  • Avoid the swine barn, which might remind you of the last time you looked in the mirror.
  • Don’t waste your appetite on low-fat meats like ostrich and bison. Ecch! Ptooey!
  • Stay away from fresh fruits, flavored milk, and anything else available at the grocery store.
  • Get more bang from your buck with delights like chocolate-covered bacon on a stick, which provides protein, fat, dessert, and fiber (if you chew clear through the stick).

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